Sleep Disorders are common in older people and the elderly. In general, they need to sleep 30-60 minutes less and have less deep sleep and more choppy than the sleep in younger people. In general, sleep disorders are often sensitive and are an accurate indicator of the disorder in the mental activity, in the event of illness.
Types and Symptoms of Sleep Disorder
Insomnia is a common disorder of sleep experienced by approximately one third of the population. It is a condition where a person experiences poor sleep quality. Symptoms of insomnia include difficulty falling or staying asleep for a period of time.
Sleep Disorders Circadian Rhythm
Recurrent interruptions in sleep patterns can lead to circadian rhythm sleep disorder, a condition where the body’s internal clock is mismatched. Frequent night shifts are some of the most common causes of the disease.
Identified by excessive daytime sleepiness, narcolepsy is a sleep disorder that plagues many teens. A person suffering from narcolepsy often feels an overwhelming drowsiness and falls asleep at frequent intervals.
Repeating the Nightmares
This sleep disorder is represented by frequent awakenings due to intense and recurring nightmares. Upon awakening, the victim is alert and oriented. A person suffering from nightmares of repetition is likely to suffer from anxiety and loss of self esteem. Proper treatment is necessary to prevent the deterioration in social relations and productivity of lif
Terror Dream
Terror Dream is represented by frequent awakenings and sleeping rough, accompanied by signs of intense fear which is plagued by nightmares. Person who suffers from sleep terror usually wakes up disoriented or confused, not remembering any dream.
Sleepwalking is a condition where the victim often gets up from sleep and sometimes performs normal activities, but has no memory of such conditions. During a sleepwalking episode, the victim often is insensitive and uncommunicative. Waking a sleepwalker is quite difficult and once awake, the victim is usually disoriented.
How Canadian Disability Benefits Helps?
Canadian Disability Benefits helps people to avail Disability Tax Credit by helping them to find out if they are eligible for it or not. We will help you file a claim for Sleep Disorder. Just give us a buzz at: 1-877-428-0601 and consult with our DTC experts. We ensure that each affected individual receives the full amount and do not miss any benefit.