Obsessive compulsive Disorder is a very uncomfortable condition, in which the victim is continuously plagued with the idea of performing a certain activity, even though he or she may not derive any pleasure or comfort from performing that particular activity. The victim usually feels that something bad would happen, if the compulsive act is not performed. For example if the person is fearful of catching a disease or germs, he may extensively wash his or her hands.

How it impairs with your brain’s functionality?

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a psychiatric condition which is characterized by obsessions and compulsions of doing repetitive tasks to alleviate the obsession. Mostly the obsessive thoughts consists of fear of germs which is followed by extensive cleansing, fear of a disaster relived by checking the door locks, stoves etc. Obsessive compulsive commonly abbreviated as OCD is time consuming and usually takes like an hour or more in a single day.

The sufferers of OCD remain locked with an uncontrollable cycle of obsessions, as any attempt for resisting a compulsion causes their anxiety levels to jump up to unbearable scale, which is then relieved only by the performance of that particular obsessive activity and this can sometimes lead to a disability, when goes unchecked!

What are the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

The symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder include both compulsions and obsessions. Some symptoms include:

  1. Fear of being contaminated when touching objects to shaking hands with others
  2. Doubts that you have leaved the door unlocked or stove on
  3. Thoughts of you hurting someone in an accident
  4. Stressing out when objects aren’t placed in an orderly way and many more

The Compulsion symptoms include:

  1. Washing hands until skin becomes raw
  2. Checking doors and stove repeatedly
  3. Counting in particular patterns
  4. Arranging your goods to face a particular direction

The symptoms can become severe with time and obsessive compulsive disorder is usually a lifelong illness.

How can Canadian Disability Benefits Help?

OCD a lot of times causes you to lose your job, or work actively with your mates, which is why patients suffering from OCD are eligible to apply for Canadian Disability Tax credit funds. With Canadian Disability

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