The Autism Spectrum Disorder/Pervasive Developmental Disorder occurs during the growth of children and affect their ability to communicate and develop socially. Pervasive Developmental Disorders include various diseases, the most common of which is Infantile Autism.

Infantile Autism

Childhood autism is the most common form of Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Symptoms appear before the age of three years. The child tends to isolate and withdraw into himself, and disorder marks difficulties in establishing relationships with colleagues. In addition, language acquisition is delayed or absent, and it’s hard to fix his attention on a sustainable basis. Children with infantile autism tend to develop repetitive behaviors and comply with inflexible rituals. In most cases, mental retardation is of varying severity in children.

Asperger Syndrome

Asperger Syndrome is a form of Pervasive Developmental Disorder that appears later than Infantile Autism. Symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome involve interactions between individuals, as well as in the habits of daily life (strong reluctance to change, intense attachment to routines, or enthusiasm for a very specific topic with accumulation of a considerable amount of knowledge). People with Asperger syndrome usually have an excellent or exceptional memory.


The symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorders vary greatly from one child to another. However, in all cases, these symptoms affect their ability to communicate with their surroundings and building social relationships.

These symptoms include:

  • Inability to interact socially through the exchange of looks, facial expressions, gestures or body posture
  • Inability to develop relationships with other children around shared interests, activities or emotions in common
  • The presence of inadequate responses to the emotions of others
  • Lack of desire to share pleasure, interest or success (e.g. not pointing the finger at an object of interest)
  • The absence or delay of language without trying to communicate by gestures or facial expressions
  • Marked concern for one or more centers of unusual, restricted interests which are repetitive in nature
  • The need to follow rituals that have no practical use
  • Repetitive and stereotyped use of language elements
  • How Canadian Disability Benefits Can Help?

Canadian Disability Benefits can help the caregivers to offset their additional costs through the disability tax credit fund, so that the parents can facilitate the full participation of their child in the society. To become eligible for receiving the disability benefits, our qualified practitioner can help you complete the Tax Certificate for the Tax Credit of the disabled. Feel free to contact us at: 1-877-428-0601.

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